In accordance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 196 of June 30, 2003 - Personal Data Protection Code (hereinafter the "Code") - we inform you that your personal data, provided and Or acquired subsequently, will be handled by Milano srl, Italy and abroad, through electronic and manual instruments in compliance with the applicable Code and the applicable privacy laws.

Purpose of treatment

The collected data are processed for the following purposes:

a. Subscribe to the service;

b. Conclude contracts of sale and fulfillment of the performance;

c. To perform the necessary fulfillment of the contractual relationship established;

d. Send commercial information, advertising material, information and promotional material, by any means (e-mail, sms, etc.);

e. Effect, also by means of telephone contact, investigations of market, cheap analyzes and statistical finally to verify the correct operation of the services and the likes of the same;

f. Communicate data to third-party companies for direct marketing purposes.

The provision of data is mandatory for the conclusion of the purchase contract, optional in the other cases.

Failure to provide data will result in the impossibility of executing the order.

Categories of subjects to which the data will be transmitted

The processing of the personal data in question, for the purposes set out above, may also be carried out by natural or legal persons in Italy or abroad who, for and / or in the interest of Milan srl, provide specific processing services or Related, instrumental or supportive activities.

Therefore, your data may be disclosed for the same purposes as:

- anyone who is the addressee of the communications required to fulfill the obligations arising out of the contract or services provided;

- third parties specializing in the management of commercial and credit information (such as data processing centers, banks, etc.).

Your data will also be processed by:

- companies and / or employees for the management of administrative services that are used to fulfill their legal or contractual obligations;

- other subjects (companies, companies, natural persons) who collaborate in the realization of the services and purposes indicated, even abroad.

These subjects act as appointed or trained Officers or Officers.

Data retention

All acquired data may not be used for any other purpose other than those mentioned above and will be retained for the period of time necessary for the realization of the same.

After this deadline, the data will be deleted or converted into anonymous form.

For details on purchases and services, the retention times will not be higher than those established by current legislation.

Rights of the party concerned

Your right to exercise at any time the rights under Art. 7 (Right to access personal data and other rights) of the Code remain, in particular: the right to access your personal data, ask for your correction, 'Update and cancellation if incomplete, erroneous or collected in violation of current legislation and to oppose their treatment for legitimate reasons, by sending a written request to: Milano srl Via Cesare 7, 94012 Barrafranca (EN)

Treatment holder

Holder of the treatment is the Owner of Milano srl Via Cesare 7 Barrafranca 94012 (EN)

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Statistics: Using Google Analytics to track visits and visitors.

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